Strengthen economically, culturally and socially our regional territory, throught the collaboration between the differents souls of the Cultural and Creative Industries and the other productive sectors that operate in our Region. Establish synergies and assist the public-private partnership of Cultural and Creative Industries to achieve projects regarding innovation, technological transfer, internationalization and development, including the organisation of partnership and operative industries. Coordinate and encourage the cooperation between the differents souls of I.C.C. to make tangibles the strategies that we have identified :
A. Encourage territorial development of the production chain, both public and private of Creative Industries, including the enhancement of market penetration of companies and experts joining Cluster in Italy and at the international level;
B. Identify and coordinate projects at regional, national and international level, obtaining funding for the area of competence;
C. Support companies, experts, and enhance the excellence, motivating competitiveness and innovation inside of productive style system, and simultaneously encouraging them in managing of planning activities, and implementation of directs operations for the supply chain of Creative Industries and other regional, national and international industries;
D. Facilitate coordination and synergy among various companies involved in the sector through the interconnection between public and private research and market;
E. Promote and support innovative projects, research and technologic transfer thanks to the multidisciplinary competence of public-private partnership of the Cluster;
F. Foster innovation of system and tools for promoting and marketing of cultural, landscape and environmental heritage both in the region and Italy.