Società Cooperativa
Since 1982 we have been dealing with services and products concerning Material Culture. Our activity develops in the management of public and private libraries and archives, museums and historical, artistic and territorial heritage, photography and multimedia.
Due to the type of activity we carry out, our privileged client is the Public Administration, but we appreciate to deal with any enterprise or private that needs our specific skills.
We provide both specialized personnel for the various ordinary and extraordinary management activities, either open to the public or not, as well we provide consultancy and evaluations on the management and enhancement of the various cultural assets. Where required we produce documentation, dissemination and promotion (thematic exhibitions, books, meetings, etc…).
Since 2012 we have started an activity linked to Cultural and Sustainable Tourism (we are members of AITR) which has its immediate evidence in the management of two youth hostels in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Aquileia and San Vito al Tagliamento). At the same time we have produced and we are perfecting a project on Conscious and Sustainable Tourism which aims to enhance the cultural specificities of the environment as a touristic resource and plans to build relations among the various stakeholders (economic, institutional and private) who are involved.
To integrate these main sectors, we have developed transversal activities that follows our thought to give the best and more complete support to our clients. The main ones are:
- the phisical storage of paper archives for public and private entities (carried out through the subsidiary FRIULARCHIVI) ;
- the publishing activity, the digitization of analogue documents of different types (codes, parchments, books, photographs, technical drawings, etc.) ;
- various IT related activities with specialized software, web applications and social media management in the various areas of our business.