Fondo Impresa Femminile
Beneficiari: Il Fondo è volto a sostenere imprese femminili (imprese a prevalente partecipazione femminile e lavoratrici autonome) di ogni dimensione, con sede legale e/o operativa ubicata su tutto…
Beneficiari: Il Fondo è volto a sostenere imprese femminili (imprese a prevalente partecipazione femminile e lavoratrici autonome) di ogni dimensione, con sede legale e/o operativa ubicata su tutto…
The objective of the Skills and Talent Development support is to foster talents and skills of the audiovisual sector professionals. Strengthen the capacity of audiovisual professionals to adapt…
Training and mentoring activities to enhance the capacity of audiovisualoperators professionals to adapt to new creative processes, marketdevelopments and digital technologies that affect the whole value chain; –…
to enhance the circulation, promotion, online and theatrical distribution of European audiovisual works, within the Union and internationally in the new digital environment; including through innovative business model….
to promote cross-sectoral activities that aim at adjusting to the structural and technological changes faced by the media, including enhancing a free, diverse, and pluralistic media environment, quality…
to enhance the circulation, promotion, online and theatrical distribution of European audiovisual works, within the Union and internationally in the new digital environment; including through innovative business model….
to enhance the circulation, promotion, online and theatrical distribution ofEuropean audiovisual works, within the Union and internationally in the new digital environment; including through innovative business model; o…
This action will support approximately 130 projects. This action is expected to foster cooperation between organisations active in the culture field, to increase the European dimension of creation…
L’avviso è finalizzato a supportare le farmacie rurali nei centri con meno di 3.000 abitanti per ampliare la disponibilità sul territorio di servizi sanitari “di prossimità”, garantendo una…
L’avviso permette di richiedere un finanziamento a Tasso Agevolato con una quota a Fondo Perduto fino al 25%, nel limite di agevolazioni pubbliche complessive concesse in regime di…