Friuli Innovazione is a key player in the innovation system of Friuli Venezia Giulia which, with the support of its members, aims to be a centre of excellence at national and international level that works to increase the competitiveness of the regional territory, enhancing excellence and promoting its development through the provision of multidisciplinary specialist skills and applied research infrastructures for the development of enabling technologies.
The recent assignment of the Innova FVG innovation services division by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia – carried out as part of the reorganization of the Science and Technology Parks also offers the opportunity to Friuli Innovazione to operate and stimulate innovation with a specific focus on the mountain area of Friuli, from Carnia to Tarvisiano.
Friuli Innovazione makes available to its Stakeholders its international reputation and expertise in the design and construction of partnerships at national and European level with the aim of encouraging the acquisition of skills and internationalization.
As a certified business incubator, Friuli Innovazione assists and supports young entrepreneurs, businesses and researchers in the development of business ideas, innovative and high-tech, offering incubation, acceleration and settlement paths.
In line with the strategic sectors of the economy and the regional research system, the areas of competence of Friuli Innovazione are: Additive Manufacturing, Internet of Things at the service of the mountain territory, Life Science, Digital Transformation, Smart Products, Creative and Cultural Enterprises and Social Innovation.