Informest was born in 1991, in the climate of renewal and opening towards the east of the years following the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was created as a public structure with a law of the Italian Government – 9/1/91 n.19 – with the aim of promoting economic development and internationalization processes. Informest then consolidated its position of excellence by becoming one of the four Italian agencies for cooperation in the area of South East Europe (L. 84/01); has carried out projects strongly desired by the cooperation strategies of the associated regions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development.
Associates of Informest:
- Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia;
- Chamber of Commerce Friuli Venezia Giulia;
- Municipality of Gorizia;
- Municipality of Tarvisio;
- Comunità Collinare del Friuli.